Faizah Noer Laela
Interpersonal communication has been considered as the most effective type of communication to change opinion, attitude, and behaviour. This form of communication involves persuasive process in the subject to whom change is addressed. According to Hovland and friends several factors need to be focused in this process that are source, message and receiver. In the context of kyai and santri relationship, the kyai as the communicator has character that support his influence such as credibility, source arreactiveness and source power. Since beginning, kyai always maintain total obediencey . Only by this attitude, it is believed by the santri, that grace will be achieved. The totality of this attitude proved by lifetime acknowledgement of kyai as guru. This is the result of interpersonal communication established during the learning process in boarding school.
Kata-kata Kunci: Pengaruh, Kyai, Opini, Santri, Komunikasi InterpersonalFULL TEXT: FREE DOWNLOAD KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL
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